Every year, it's a mad dash to try and figure out what to get for my Mother, step mother, and my two Grandmothers for Christmas. I mean, honestly, how do I get four of the coolest women I know a meaningful gift? Thankfully they all like handmade presents and if there's one thing I'm good at, it's a DIY project. One of my grandmothers has a slight (and by slight, I mean major) obsession with light houses. So what better way to bring that to life than kick it old school and make her a "picture"... and by old school, I really mean channel my 4-year-old roots and bust out some craft paper.
As for the other three, I decided on a cute craftier gift; a jar of wishing stars. Folding origami stars is kind of a pain in the ass, jut FYI, but I think the end result was pretty awesome! I would write a special wish on a slip of paper, fold it and put it in the jar. :)
Hope you all had a Merry Christmas and here's to an AMAZING New Year! :)